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SJDC – St.Joseph's Dental College

Prosthdontics And Crown & Bridge

Prosthdontics And Crown & Bridge

Prosthetics is part of Dentistry pertaining to the restoration & maintenance of oral function, comfort, appearance & health of the patient by the restoration of natural teeth and or replacement of missing teeth & craniofacial structures with artificial substitutes.

The Department of prosthodontics at St. Joseph Dental College offers a Graduate and three years Postgraduate programme leading to a Master of Dental Surgery awarded by the Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences, Vijayawada, AP. The advanced training programme in prosthodontics is approved and accredited by the Dental Council of India.

The department of Prosthodontic deals with a wide array of problems encountered such as complete and partial loss of teeth, Jaw joint problems, crippling Loss of craniofacial structures and are treated using modalities such as complete dentures, Fixed prosthesis, Maxillofacial Prosthesis & Dental and Maxillofacial implants to name a Few. The current focus today is on preventive prosthodontics and the research projects Carried out in our department are focused on the concept of much needed aspects of Prosthodontics.

Mission and Vision:      

To develop an individual into a dentist who is not just an individual presentation of what is exerting & replacement of what is missing who are professionally trained and also high in moral and ethical values, imparting profound integrity & character to every endeavor that deal with, not only in our institution but in the society at large.

Goals of the Department

The goal of prosthodontics programme is to provide basic & advanced education in prosthodontics for an improved understanding of prosthetic rehabilitation & restoration of tooth structures.

  1. To increase cognitive skills in management of geriatric & general patients
  2. To transform the nature of dental education in a way that will dramatically improve the way we serve our students, our patient & the surrounding community.

Teaching Program

The educational programmes in Prosthodontics are extensive & courses for dental student, Interns & Post Graduate students.

Undergraduate Education in Prosthodontics for Dental Students

This program provides lectures, seminars and clinical teaching in the period of five years, dental curriculum, students are exposed to a wide range of patients with prosthetic problem and all students get extensive pre-clinical & Clinical exposure in the department.

Clinical practice involves exposure to complete denture cases, removable partial denture & introduction to fixed partial denture.

Postgraduate Residency Program in Prosthdontics

The programme requires a minimum of three academic years for completion. The goal of Prosthodontics residency program is to provide advanced education in prosthodontics to qualified graduate dentists who are interested in a career or specialized practice teaching & research.

The program includes:

  • • Removable dental prosthodontcs, fixed prosthodontics, implantology maxillofacial prosthdontis, aesthetic dentistry and skill in Clinical and laboratory attitude communicative skills and ability to perform research.


The programme devotes a considerable portion of time, to advanced basic science course specially organized to serve as a prerequisite to the thorough understanding of the clinical problem in prosthetic rehabilitation the student is exposed to different & challenging maxillofacial & prosthetic rehabilitation cases through independent study demonstration & practice,

The course also involves development of technical skill involving handling of sophisticated & technique sensitive equipment such as IPS impress kit, Metal free ceramics & state of the art laboratory equipment like CAD-CAM Machine

A series of seminars and lecture course are available each quarter. The student can discuss with the program director his/her interest &needs & all effort will be made to tailor the program to meet such needs.

Department Undertaking the following treatment procedures

  1. Complete Dentures
  2. Implant supported Denture
  3. Cast partial dentures
  4. Maxillofacial prosthesis like eye, ear, nose , palate etc
  5. Surgical splints and stents
  6. Fixed partial dentures
  7. All ceramic esthetic restoration
  8. Laminates
  9. Prostheses

The following specialty equipment is available in the department 

  1. Semiadjustable articulators (Hanau & Whipmix)
  2. Fully automatic (Physiodispencer)
  3. Intra oral X-ray unit with RVG
  4. Implant kit with equipment for sinus lift and hone harvesting procedures
  5. CAD-CAM Machine

Chrome – Cobalt lab

  1. Bego (Germany) bench top catsting unit
  2. Zhermack (Italy) Burn out furnace
  3. Bego Electropal (Electorpolishing Unit)
  4. Bego surveyor and milling machine
  5. Agar mixer and conditioning unit.
  6. Steam cleaner

Ceramic lab

  1. Vita Vaccumate T-40 metal ceramic furnace
  2. IPS empress- II. All ceramic press furnace

Dr. K. Sitaram Prasad, MDS

Designation : Professor & HOD

Experience : -

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Dr. Sivakiran Babu, Y. MDS

Designation : Professor

Experience : -

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Dr. Rajasekharreddy MDS

Designation : Reader

Experience : -

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Dr. M. Pavan Kumar MDS

Designation : Reader

Experience : -

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Dr. D. R. Prasad MDS

Designation : Senior Lecturer

Experience : -

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Dr. K. Rajitha Reddy MDS

Designation : Senior Lecturer

Experience : -

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Dr. M. Priyanka MDS

Designation : Senior Lecturer

Experience : -

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Dr. R. Jhansi MDS

Designation : Sr. Lecturer

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Dr. A. Avinash

Designation : Sr. Lecturer

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Dr. K. Saranya

Designation : Sr. Lecturer

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Dr. Mudumba Navya

Designation : Tutor

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Dr. S. V. N. Pavan Kalyan

Designation : Tutor

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Undergraduate Education in Prosthodontics for Dental Students

This program provides lectures, seminars and clinical teaching in the period of five years, dental curriculum, students are exposed to a wide range of patients with prosthetic problem and all students get extensive pre-clinical & Clinical exposure in the department. Clinical practice involves exposure to complete denture cases, removable partial denture & introduction to fixed partial denture.

Postgraduate Residency Program in Prosthdontics

The program requires a minimum of three academic years for completion. The goal of Prosthodontics residency program is to provide advanced education in prosthodontics to qualified graduate dentists who are interested in a career or specialized practice teaching & research.

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