Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Department of Orthodontics St. Joseph Dental College caters to the orthodontics needs of the large population of West Godavari District and also surrounding villages & towns of adjacent Krishna district. With the growing population and economy, the needy and demand for orthodontics has increased manifold.
The department is well equipped with the latest material to provide orthodontic treatment. Interdisciplinary procedures such as orthognathic surgery, cleft-lip / palate rehabilitation, ortho – perio problems and orthodontic prosthetic rehabilitation etc, is done with the co-ordination of the other department.
The department provides treatment as per needs and according to the age of patient, Growth modification procedures for correction of abnormal jaws is carried out at around 10-12 years. Both fixed and removable appliances are being given to the patients depending upon the condition.
Teaching Programmes
The educational programmes in Orthodontics are extensive with course for dental student, intern and post graduate students.
Undergraduate Education in Orthodontics for Dental Students
Undergraduate programme in Orthodontics is designed to enable the qualifying dental surgeon to diagnose, analyze and treat common Orthodontics problems by preventive, interceptive and corrective orthodontics procedures.
This program provides an indepth knowledge about the growth and development, diagnosis, treatment planning, material science, appliances and management of different types of malocclusion.
Clinical practice is limited to collection and analysis of records and correction of mild occlusal problems with removable appliance
Postgraduate Residency program in Orthodontics
The goal of Orthodontics residency program is to provide advanced education in Orthodontics to highly qualified graduate dentists who are interested in a career or specialization practice, teaching and research.
The programme requires a minimum of three academic years for completion. A high level of advanced clinical skills and completion of a curriculum broadly representative of the basic and applied science is required. Original research and a dissertation in any of a number of related fields are required. The Principles of scientific research design and evaluation are emphasized.
The programme devotes a considerable portion of time to advanced basic science course specially organized to serve as prerequisite to the thorough understanding of the clinical problems in Orhodontics. In the clinical area the student is exposed to different therapeutic philosophies through independent study, demonstration and practice.

Teaching Programs
The educational programs in Orthodontics are extensive with course for dental student, intern and post graduate students.
Undergraduate Education in Orthodontics for Dental Students
Undergraduate program in Orthodontics is designed to enable the qualifying dental surgeon to diagnose, analyze and treat common Orthodontics problems by preventive, interceptive and corrective orthodontics procedures. This program provides an indepth knowledge about the growth and development, diagnosis, treatment planning, material science, appliances and management of different types of malocclusion. Clinical practice is limited to collection and analysis of records and correction of mild occlusal problems with removable appliance.
Postgraduate Residency program in Orthodontic
The goal of Orthodontics residency program is to provide advanced education in Orthodontics to highly qualified graduate dentists who are interested in a career or specialization practice, teaching and research. The program requires a minimum of three academic years for completion. A high level of advanced clinical skills and completion of a curriculum broadly representative of the basic and applied science is required. Original research and a dissertation in any of a number of related fields are required. The Principles of scientific research design and evaluation are emphasized. The program devotes a considerable portion of time to advanced basic science course specially organized to serve as prerequisite to the thorough understanding of the clinical problems in Orhodontics. In the clinical area the student is exposed to different therapeutic philosophies through independent study, demonstration and practice.
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