SJDC – St.Joseph's Dental College

St. Joseph Dental College: An exciting place to learn

Home Attendance

The institution pays utmost importance to attendance. After all, the students are admitted into the college for learning and mastering a profession and proper attendance is the only way to achieve sound leaning. The attendance rules will be strictly enforced by the college authorities. Eighty percent attendance in theory and practical is a must and students who fail to have the required attendance will not be sent for university examinations the attendance by the students will be faithfully recorded by the teaching staff and the college authorities will not yield to any external or parental pressure in this connection. Students attendance will be periodically displayed on the college notice board for information. Also , if a student’s is showing less interest in studies and declining in attendance and performance the matter will be brought to the notice of the patents. Parents are requested to take cognizance of such information and advise their wards accordingly.

Students are expected to send a leave letter to college once in case of unexpected and unavoidable absence.

Leave for medical reasons will not be considered and counted for calculation of attendance. Intimation of a medical condition and requesting leave is only  courtesy extended to the college by the student.

Students are forbidden from taking an active part in political agitation directed against  the authority of government. Students are also advised not to involve themselves  in any public or mass movements which seem undesirables and bring down the image of the institutions.